Sara De Ascaniis ~ Pianist ~

Sara portrait with piano


About Sara

"A born stage-artist, with that important "plus" in a concert, which can happen only spontaneously" (Imre Rohmann)

Internationally appreciated for her sensitive playing and captivating performances, italian pianist Sara De Ascaniis has toured through Europe, Canada and USA. Winner of prestigious awards in Italy and abroad, such as the J.S. Bach Prize in Sestri Levante, the Silvio Omizzolo Prize in Padua, the Vito Frazzi Prize in Florence, the Mozartpreis at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, the Baden-Württemberg International Piano Competition (Germany), Sara has been performing as a soloist in prestigious venues including La Fenice in Venice, Teatro Bibiena in Mantova, Teatro dal Verme in Milan, Wiener Saal in Salzburg, Ehrbar Saal in Vienna, Tanna Schulich Hall in Montrèal and Bing Theatre in Los Angeles.

Also an enthusiastic recitalist and chamber musician, she has been performing with various ensembles from Duo up to Quintet, working together with artists such as Rainer Schmidt, Wolfgang Redik, Igor Ozim, Enrico Bronzi and Alois Brandhofer. Her numerous appearances have included renowned Festivals like La Societá dei Concerti in Milan, LeXGiornate in Brescia, Il Maggio del Pianoforte in Napoli, Aurora Chamber Music Festival (Sweden), Internationaler Konzertverein Bodensee (Germany), Salzburger Kammermusikfestival (Austria), iPalpiti Festival (California).

Born into a family of musicians, Sara began to show her talent on the piano at the age of two. At seven years old she entered the Music Conservatory Arrigo Pedrollo in Vicenza and two years later she gave her first solo recital. By the time she was eleven, Sara was already appearing as a soloist with orchestras throughout Italy. Her performances of Beethoven Piano Concerto n.3 and Schumann Concerto have been broadcasted on the national radio and television with high acclaim.

After the Master's Degree summa cum laude from italian Conservatory at the age of 18, she entered the prestigious University Mozarteum in Salzburg. She graduated with honours under the guidance of hungarian pianist Imre Rohmann, a pupil of Ferenc Rados and Gyorgy Kurtag. She also studied several years, earning a Postgraduate Degree, with Konstantin Bogino, who was a pupil of legendary russian teacher Vera Gornostaeva. Sara's musical development was enriched from other renowned pedagogues, such as Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Pavel Gililov, Benedetto Lupo, Lilya Zilberstein and Boris Petrushansky.

Sara De Ascaniis is also a passionate teacher and has been working in several Music Academies in Germany, where she is living since 2015. She was Piano Teacher at the Joseph Schmidt State Music School in Berlin for three years and was invited there as a jury member at the German- Chinese Music Days and Competition, where she also held a Masterclass for Young Pianists. She has been teaching simultaneously at the Italian Music Conservatories in Padua, Brescia and Trieste from 2018 to 2022 and currently has a Piano class at the State Music School of the City of Munich.

Her first solo Album “19th Century Piano Fantasies” with works by Schumann, Chopin, Skrjabin and Bruckner, which was released from record label Da Vinci Publishing, got wonderful critics and was broadcasted on several radios, like the italian RadioTre and its radio show "Primo Movimento". Her interpretation of Prokofiev Sonata n. 4, which was included in a CD-Project from label Velut Luna with all Sonatas from the russian composer, was also a success.

Upcoming engagements include concerts in Italy, Germany, USA and Mexico, also with her brother, violinist Davide De Ascaniis. As a duo, they are currently presenting in their recital programs works of Davide´s former teacher, Russian/ American violinist and composer Albert Markov in Italy and abroad. Sara is indeed passionate about discovering music by less known composers and this led her to perform several works of the German/ American composer Ursula Mamlok in Germany, in collaboration with the Mamlok Foundation in Berlin.


Click here for Sara's Released solo album "19th Century Piano Fantasies" with music by Schumann, Chopin, Skrjabin and Bruckner

Sara portrait with piano

Sara playing on piano


Date Location
2018-07-01 California, iPalpiti Festival
2018-10-14 Este, Villa Albrizzi
2018-10-22 Brescia, Salone Pietro da Cemmo
2018-10-27 Venezia, Palazzo Cavagnis
2018-12-02 Berlin, Kulturamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf
2019-01-13 Padova, Sala dei Giganti
2019-01-18 Rubano, Auditorium dell´Assunta
2019-02-09 Venezia, Palazzo delle Prigioni
2019-02-22 Padova, Auditorium Pollini
2019-03-31 Scandicci (Firenźe), Sala Consiliare Orazio Barbieri
2019-04-11 Padova, Auditorium Pollini
2019-05-18 Bonn, Musikstudio Paquè
2019-05-19 Berlin, Kulturhaus Schwartzsche Villa
2019-06-08 Brescia, Conservatorio di Musica Luca Marenzio
2019-09-13 Verona, Basilica di San Zeno
2019-09-14 Padova, Chiesa di Santa Caterina d´Alessandria
2019-09-15 Trieste, Auditorium Casa della Musica
2020-01-12 Padova, Auditorium Pollini
2020-01-19 Padova, Sala dei Giganti
2020-03-08 Berlin, Löwenpalais

